Anti-gravity planter 3D print

This is a simple 3D sketch of a 3d anti-gravity planter. Took 10minutes to draw on Autodesk Fusion 360. Planter is hanging on 3 strings and it looks like it is levitating. Below you can download STL file and Autodesk Fusion sketch so you can update object in any way you like. Here you can find stl/f3d files:

Integrating NextCloud with SimpleSAMLphp

First of all, install “SSO & SAML authentication” app to NextCloud. For unique id we are using `eduPersonPrincipalName` from LDAP server. Also we’ll be using users Full name and email, so add `displayName` and `mail` attributes to “Attribute mapping”. Specify metadata and SSo service URLs.   For SimpleSAMLphp metadata, this should be enough: [code language=”php”] $metadata[‘https://nextcloudURL/index.php/apps/user_saml/saml/metadata’] = array( ‘NameIDFormat’ => […]



Po truputį ruošiamės vasarai – šiandien pabandysime Lula-kebab’us. Pirmiausia pasigaminame pitas: Stiklinėje šilto vandens ištirpiname šaukštelį cukraus ir šaukštelį mielių ir sumaišome su stikline miltų.  Pilame arbatinį šaukštą alyvuogių aliejaus, šaukštelį druskos. Dedame dar kokias 3-4 stiklines miltų. Tešla turėtų gautis minkšta. Pakildiname 30 minučių ir iš tešlos padarome stalo teniso kamuoliuko dydžio rutuliukus. Rutuliukus ištepame aliejumi ir pakildiname dar […]

“Download Failed” while updating vmWare vCenter appliance

It seems, that if vmWare vCenter 6.5 appliance is behind HTTP proxy,  it uses this proxy only for HTTP connections. Thus update check fails, since it checks remote update site via HTTPS. To fix this, enable SSH acces on vCenter server, connect to it, enter bash shell. [bash]vi /etc/sysconfig/proxy[/bash] Enter valid http proxy address into HTTPS_PROXY (e.g. HTTPS_PROXY=”http://yourproxy” ) line […]

Integrating openstack swift with rados backend to NextCloud

To read how to make openstack use ceph as object storage backend, visit: Create openstack user “NextCloud”. Create project “someproject” – this will be our tenant. Add user to project and specify his role ‘swift_admin‘ (as defined in ceph.conf in post above). This is needed for user to be able to create container within object storage. Login as newly […]

Openstack networking VLAN

To create floating IP pool on VLAN tagged physical network: First create a VXLAN network (L2 network): [bash] openstack network create internal [/bash]   [bash] +—————————+————————————–+ | Field                     | Value                                | +—————————+————————————–+ | admin_state_up            | UP                                   | | availability_zone_hints   |                                      | | availability_zones        |                                      | | created_at                | 2017-01-03T11:22:33Z                 | | description               |                                      | | headers                   |                                      | | id                        […]

Openstack object storage on ceph

This is mainly post for myself to not forget, what was done. To configure Openstack to provide object storage service via Cpeh you need to create RadosGW server (or HA cluster). On openstack utility node: [bash] openstack user create ceph –password-prompt openstack role add –user ceph –project admin admin [/bash] On ceph controller node, edit ceph.config file: /etc/ceph/ceph.conf [bash] [client.rgw.radosgw1.domain.tld] […]

Greiti vištienos burgeriai

Greiti vištienos burgeriai

Taip nutinka, kad kartais parbėgus iš darbo nesinori gaminti kažko sudėtingo. Šis receptas būtent tokiems atvejams. Juostelėmis supjaustome vieną vištienos krūtinėlę. Sumaišome ją su šaukšteliu cukraus, pora šaukštų sojos padažo ir pusele pjaustyto svogūno. Pamarinuojame 10-20 min. Ant sviesto pakepame bandeles, perpjautas per pusę. Pakeptas bandeles atidedame į šoną, dedame į keptuvę dar šiek tiek sviesto ir pakepame vištieną. Kai […]