KVM-VDI most common problems

Since first release of “KVM-VDI” – an open source VDI solution, based on quemu-kvm and libvirt, users are frequently struggling to install it on the first run.

These are most common problems:

  • After importing sql from sql/vdi.sql, you cannot login with default user name and password.

sql/vsi.sql is not intended to be manually imported. You should delete all tables from your KVM-VDI database, and then visit your KVM-VDI dashboard URL. You should see installation process there.

  • Slow login to freshly installed dashboard. Also dashboard seems to look “broken”.

This happens mainly because of misconfiguration between dashboard server and hypervisors. You must create ssh keys for “VDI” user, configure sudo, copy and configure all needed executables on hypervisor side. There is a how-to in “Hypervisor installation” section in README file.

  • Dashboard installation throws “Incorrect datetime value: ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’ for column ‘lastlogin’ at row 1”

Some mysql/mariadb configurations use “NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE”  SQL mode. This should be disabled. Easiest way to determine what is your current SQL mode, is to run “SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘sql_mode'” in your mysql command-line. Anything else, than:

| Variable_name | Value |
| sql_mode         |              |
should be avoided. Try reconfiguring your mysql server by adding sql-mode=”” after [mysqld]. Also you can change this parameter in runtime by using SET GLOBAL sql_mode = ”; command. But this will last only till next mysql server restart.

  • If your dashboard installation failed, you will be not able to re-run installation again, even after reconfiguring your dashboard config.php file correctly.

This is intended. If first installation did create any tables in database, it will not overwrite them. Thus you need to delete all tables in your database, and then re-visit KVM-VDI dashboard URL.

  • “Copy disk from source” does not work. If ran manually (/usr/local/VDI/copy-file), an error is displayed: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
    ImportError: cannot import name InsecureRequestWarning

Debian 8 released never python-urllib3 in which they removed SSLv3 support. This causes the error above in python-requests module. To solve his issue you must upgrade python-requests package:

apt-get install python-pip
pip install requests==2.6.0

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