Integrating NextCloud with SimpleSAMLphp

First of all, install “SSO & SAML authentication” app to NextCloud.

For unique id we are using `eduPersonPrincipalName` from LDAP server.
Also we’ll be using users Full name and email, so add `displayName` and `mail` attributes to “Attribute mapping”.

Specify metadata and SSo service URLs.


For SimpleSAMLphp metadata, this should be enough:

[code language=”php”]

$metadata[‘https://nextcloudURL/index.php/apps/user_saml/saml/metadata’] = array(
‘NameIDFormat’ => ‘urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient’,
‘AssertionConsumerService’ => ‘https://nextcloudUR/index.php/apps/user_saml/saml/acs’,
‘attributeencodings’ => array(‘objectSid’ => ‘base64’),
‘authproc’ => array(
0 => array(
‘class’ => ‘core:AttributeLimit’,
‘mail’, ‘eduPersonPrincipalName’,’displayName’,

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